Turn up the WOW with your Customers

What is your internal WOW factor? Define it and share it with your Customers.

A digital “rag” for Entrepreneurs, Industry Innovators and Business Professionals.

Turn up the WOW with your Customers

Welcome fellow business owners, innovators and trendsetters!

Jim Cendoma here with the latest edition of the Industrial Observer newsletter!

This week I’m happy to share a fun real-life story I feel is a great way to impart some practical and invaluable sales and business wisdom with everyone.

The story begins when a potential new customer interrupted my carefully-constructed presentation and stated:

“WOW me! Tell me something so great, something about you that stops me in my tracks to write you an order right here and now.” 

The Customer

Up to this point, my presentation consisted of the usual stuff:

  • focusing on customer needs

  • pain points

  • outlines of solutions

  • deliverables

  • and the benefits to customers

After all, my tagline is “Have Solutions, Will Travel!” and it caught his attention — leading to this face-to-face meeting.

The list of talking points I considered to have the most value started shooting through my brain:

  1. trustworthiness

  2. integrity

  3. and a proven track record

These are of utmost importance to me.

Frankly, my customer had already checked out my website and LinkedIn profile. Otherwise, this meeting never would have happened. Bringing us to this moment.

He needed more…

Something BIG — A. Show. Stopper!

The Clock Was Ticking

And he was waiting for an answer…

Minutes were passing! Okay, actually it was seconds — one of those moments where it felt like an eternity.

So, what would it be?

Finally, my brain kicked into gear!

Leaning in towards his desk, speaking in a slight whisper, I replied:

My WOW factor is the Holy Grail of Process Control – the common denominator across all processes! Everything is a process, of course. The most important question — what are the chances you’re in control of absolutely everything?”


He said he was making money every minute. 

My response:

“How do you know your process is effective and optimized? Just because there is money in your checking account and your bills are paid — you could be going out of business without knowing it!”


The Holy Grail of Process Control

The Holy Grail comment refreshed his attention and I could finally realize his true concern. It was then time for the WOW factor!

What is the Holy Grail of Process Control?

It’s the proper implementation of Lean/Sigma through your entire process, guaranteeing a controllable, optimized to the fullest degree of profitability.

It’s Statistical Process Control — more notably, Lean Six Sigma.

His interest was piqued!

He had heard of it tangentially and he was curious to know what made it so special.

What is Lean Six Sigma?

For reference, Lean Six Sigma is a process control methodology, and when properly implemented, will move a process from a potentially broken or out-of-control state to a more controllable, predictable, (and profitable) state.

It took a moment for me to realize why this particular customer needed to be wowed

He was interested in hearing what I had to say, and had taken the time to search my background; but seemed more concerned overall with my limited project experience in his demanding industry.

Lean Six Sigma: The Ultimate WOW Factor

Lean Six Sigma has zero concerns with any particular industry because it’s all about applied methodology.

The trick is knowing how to lead a team charged with the proper implementation of a Lean Six Sigma-based plan.

It’s both outstanding and effective because experienced leadership and the team commit to the rigors of the methodology and all components where the project success is determined.

Lean Six Sigma insists that teams avoid short-cutting and makes sure everyone’s skill set is project-aligned.

It becomes all about leadership and the team’s ability to have faith in proven processes that are utilized to bring specific issues under control and keep them there.

I continued to ‘wow’ him by sharing that our company had been instrumental in a Fortune 500 glass company’s Lean Six Sigma launch across all their manufacturing plants, working with and leading teams to a successful implementation that resulted in several millions of dollars being saved.

Another example, we successfully implemented a Lean Six Sigma project with another Fortune 500 player in the power generation industry. We implemented process improvements designed to cut downtime, reduce cycle time, and improve product quality. 

Our potential customer, who naturally wanted to know more project details, which were proprietary, and as such unavailable.

We sign NDA’s with each and every customer to protect their intellectual property. We work closely with our customers and honor our NDA commitments.

He was understanding of our processes.

And our conversation could continue across Fortune 500 companies in sectors such as automotive, steel, pulp and paper, and complex system integration — as long as it did so without violating these agreements.

This particular customer was still on the fence about working with us, even though we had been asked to submit a proposal — which was the discussion at the present meeting.

Based on this conversation, I could finally consider him wowed, and continued to impress him right through to a successful and confident order placement.

Using tried and tested techniques, and implementation, I was able to show him how even though I lacked the experience he thought I’d need, I actually had the experience he needed.

Generosity: The True Measure of Success

My take-away from all this back and forth with this customer left me with one major question: What is my internal WOW factor? What makes me the most proud of my life and profession? 

After thinking about it, the one thing which most often makes me smile is my life-long commitment to helping fellow entrepreneurs chase and catch their dreams: mentorship (both on the receiving and giving end), and the ability to pay it forward.

It has been my observation the true measure of success is generosity. Be generous in your praise and admiration of others, help when and where possible and always be kind — it’s a great way to go through life!

What’s your WOW factor?

Get clear on defining your WOW factor, and be sure to share it with your customers!

Need Process Improvement Help?

Call me! I’m always happy to explore new opportunities to help companies improve and optimize their processes with proven Lean Six Sigma strategies: (607) 731-9032

I’m available Mon-Fri from 10am-6pm (EST).

Or, send me a message via the contact form on my website: https://jamescendoma.com/contact/

Have solutions! Will travel!

-Jim Cendoma

About the Founder of Industrial Observer

Jim Cendoma is an innovative technology enthusiast, all around good guy, and business owner who explores the intersection of innovation and entrepreneurship. Follow his insights into business trends and innovations and learn more from his 35+ years of entrepreneurial experience by following Jim on LinkedIn. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/jimcendoma).

Jim has decades of experience as a customer, supplier, guest speaker, and entrepreneur. He has worked in manufacturing industries and sales all over the Northeast.

Author of the book “PEP – Profit and Extreme Performance”, Jim focuses on helping clients achieve their best-practice success through troubleshooting, networking, and consulting.

Find him at www.jamescendoma.com or pick up the phone and give him a call: (607) 731-9032

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“Industry knowledge is entrepreneurial power.”

- Jim Cendoma | Founder of Industrial Observer & Sterling Innovations Group, Inc.